How to Behave in a Free-Roaming Cat Room at the Shelter

If you are in the cat room of the shelter don't pick up a cat while it is resting, or eating, or drinking, or playing with another cat. Wait until it connects with you or it is not doing anything else. Don't be loud and annoying to the cats or other people. Respect the cats and don't add stress.
How to Behave in a Caged Cat Room at the Shelter

Please do not take animals out of cages. If you would like to meet with an animal then ask an officer or a volunteer. When cats are in cages and not free-roaming please be quiet in cat rooms because they don't like noise especially when they are stressed. Sanitize your hands between touching cats so you don't pass germs because diseases can spread very quickly in a cat room. If a cat jumps out of your arms in a cat room then immediately close the door or shout for someone to close it so the cat can't escape into the rest of the shelter.