Shelter Animals Advocacy*

Since 2014 Rob has been an advocate for shelter animals, writing about a dog and a cat from a local shelter for his monthly column in the Aroundabout Local Media magazines.

He has received a large amount of pet food, supplies and toys that he has donated to dogs and cats in need in the shelters. 

Rob's interviews  provide an interesting and educational glimpse into who is helping shelter pets and how you can help.

Domestic Animals: Rabbits, Parrots and Horses*

Rabbits, Horses and Parrots are all very popular pets. Unfortunately people seldom know what they are getting themselves in for when adopting them.  These interviews aim to give an idea into the realities of horse, rabbit and parrot ownership.

Helping Farm Animals*

Most of us have no idea of the plight of farm animals and what goes on in animal agriculture. What we do know is that farm animals are often very misunderstood and their gifts unacknowledged.

These interviews about how to help farm animals provide some food for thought.

Co-Existing with Wildlife*

First and foremost, please leave wildlife alone, respect their space and habitat, and don’t (even with the best intentions) kidnap babies and relocate animals. Unless the animal is patently sick, injured, orphaned or in immediate danger, the status quo is often best left as it is.

Rob's interviews with rehabbers and conservationists provide some insight and education on how to help wildlife as well as rehabbers that are few and far between and save countless lives each day.