There are a lot of people around who help animals but often we don’t know how to find them. That is what I try to do with my interviews, let you know who is out there helping animals. Here are three people I recently met who do good in the community and one person who contacted me because she needs a miracle.
Tim Smith founded It stands for Help Us Help Animals. They do a lot of good work around here and accept donations of all kinds which they then use to provide relief to animal rescue, wild life sanctuaries, rehabilitation facilities and fosters.
James Welch is 18 years old and his dream is to create a feral cat sanctuary. When he was 16 and found a feral kitten he called Ghost. It died within days but his passion for helping cats started with Ghost and he does TNR (trap-neuter-return) in neighborhood colonies. He has trapped upwards of 200 community cats or which half have been adopted out. Please support James by visiting his Facebook page, Saving Ghost Cat Rescue.
I met with Diviya Roney who founded Frida’s Companion Animals Foundation (FCAF) ( She focuses on educating about the importance of spay & neuter and TNR. She is also an advocate for cats in kill shelters and partners with cat rescues. FCAF also helps low income people by providing food and supplies. Her work is based on her primary motivation of lifting people out of despair and giving hope to the hopeless. She wants to get the word out in Cherokee County that FCAF can help low-income families.